Friday, January 2, 2009


4 years ago today, one of my of my brothers, was taken from me. His name is Jeremy Wright, and he was one of the finest human beings I have ever known. Never selfish, always friendly to everyone, he wouldn't blink twice at the opportunity to help someone.

He was killed when a roadside bomb detonated under his vehicle. The blast was so large that everyone else in the vehicle was ejected in the explosion. They all survived, all with permanent scars to remind them of the danger in this profession.

I'll never forget the disbelief, and then the extraordinary grief that I felt on the other side of the radio, trying to get them the hell out of there. I'd done a few missions and a lot of training with Jeremy, and I know full well that it could have just as easily been me.

So today, I'll pause a minute, and thank him for what he is, and what he stands for. Here's to you, Jeremy

Here's an article written about him in Running Times Magazine for those interested. He was truly a great man.

1 comment:

Erin said...


a very nice tribute. can't imagine how that must feel... prayers are with all of his friends and families... these anniversaries are tough :(